In this blog, students from 8th grade who are in Spanish I class with Mr. Benítez will write and include some information that they will learn through the course related with cultural information in the different areas of Spain.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

El Día de la Hispanidad (12 de octubre)

"El Día de la Hispanidad" (October 12nd) is the national day of Spain. During this day there are a lot of military parades in the streets, and the king Juan Carlos I presides them.

Spain celebrates this day because it was in October 12nd 1492 when Cristopher Colombus arrived to the Caribbean islands.

That was very good for Spain, but maybe not so good for the American people. Why? What is your opinion about it? Try also to write some information about the travel that made Colombus from Sevilla to the Bahamas islands and the consequences that this arrival had in America.